
'Intervalid' web sites
Simple long polling example with javascript and jquery
2012-02-12 ⚑tech ⚑finance
intervalid Start polling on the pageshow event var intervalid setInterval function.ajax url server , success function data Update your dashboard gauge salesGauge.setValue data.value ; , dataType json ; , 30000 ; Stop polling on the pagehide event clearInterval intervalid ; Because the other techniques use self executing closures, they may not be the best fit. These closures limit object scope to the closure block function var transit directions subway, train, bus, ferry, bike taxi
2012-09-09 ⚑sport
intervalid null;this. rotator N;this. areaWidth N. screenWidth;this. areaHeight N. screenHeight;this. size N. vSize;this. duration N. duration;this. delay N. vDelay;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size ;if this. total r this. size Math.ceil this. areaWidth r ;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size var M ;for var L vancouver transit directions transit, train, bus, ferry, bike [..]
intervalid null;this. rotator N;this. areaWidth N. screenWidth;this. areaHeight N. screenHeight;this. size N. vSize;this. duration N. duration;this. delay N. vDelay;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size ;if this. total r this. size Math.ceil this. areaWidth r ;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size var M ;for var L boston transit directions t, train, bus, ferry, bike taxi
intervalid null;this. rotator N;this. areaWidth N. screenWidth;this. areaHeight N. screenHeight;this. size N. vSize;this. duration N. duration;this. delay N. vDelay;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size ;if this. total r this. size Math.ceil this. areaWidth r ;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size var M ;for var L
Sportaccord. union for both olympic and non.olympic international sports [..]
2016-02-19 ⚑news ⚑sport
intervalid ; function var win window.height.500 ; var c Math.floor win 75, 0 ; var sum item.length; var members ; var i; for i 0; i sum; i members item i name ; if i. 0 i 1 c 0 members ;
Missouri association of elementary school principals. eln is here.
2016-01-18 ⚑r&d
intervalid 0, slideInterval 7000, navLinks ; sideTabs. panels.css display , none.first.fadeIn ; links.first.addClass elected ; function var link this, link this ; Ignore if already visible if return false; Don t want multiple clicks on different tabs to screw things up. process one click at a time if tabDisableEvent return false; tabDisableEvent true; Clear any height that may have been set by the CH
Zerg rush in javascript 8211; james padolsey
intervalid setInterval function me.step , 30 ; All Zerglings start at random positions in the top.left of the page anywhere from 0,0 to 100,100. As I said, it 8217;s not very polished. The Zerglings are currently just little red dots, made like so in Zergling constructor zergling element used to avoid CSS conflicts and because its cool. this.dom zergling.css width this.width, height this.height, position absolute , display block ,
Simple long polling example with javascript and jquery
2012-02-12 ⚑tech finance
intervalid Start polling on the pageshow event var intervalid setInterval function.ajax url server , success function data Update your dashboard gauge salesGauge.setValue data.value ; , dataType json ; , 30000 ; Stop polling on the pagehide event clearInterval intervalid ; Because the other techniques use self executing closures, they may not be the best fit. These closures limit object scope to the closure block function var transit directions subway, train, bus, ferry, bike taxi
2012-09-09 sport
intervalid null;this. rotator N;this. areaWidth N. screenWidth;this. areaHeight N. screenHeight;this. size N. vSize;this. duration N. duration;this. delay N. vDelay;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size ;if this. total r this. size Math.ceil this. areaWidth r ;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size var M ;for var L vancouver transit directions transit, train, bus, ferry, bike [..]
intervalid null;this. rotator N;this. areaWidth N. screenWidth;this. areaHeight N. screenHeight;this. size N. vSize;this. duration N. duration;this. delay N. vDelay;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size ;if this. total r this. size Math.ceil this. areaWidth r ;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size var M ;for var L boston transit directions t, train, bus, ferry, bike taxi
intervalid null;this. rotator N;this. areaWidth N. screenWidth;this. areaHeight N. screenHeight;this. size N. vSize;this. duration N. duration;this. delay N. vDelay;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size ;if this. total r this. size Math.ceil this. areaWidth r ;this. total Math.ceil this. areaWidth this. size var M ;for var L
Sportaccord. union for both olympic and non.olympic international sports [..]
2016-02-19 ⚑news sport
intervalid ; function var win window.height.500 ; var c Math.floor win 75, 0 ; var sum item.length; var members ; var i; for i 0; i sum; i members item i name ; if i. 0 i 1 c 0 members ;
Sportaccord. union for both olympic and non.olympic international sports [..]
2016-02-19 news ⚑sport
intervalid ; function var win window.height.500 ; var c Math.floor win 75, 0 ; var sum item.length; var members ; var i; for i 0; i sum; i members item i name ; if i. 0 i 1 c 0 members ;

'Intervalid' white pages


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