
'Minutefiction' web sites

2012-03-14 ⚑blog
minutefiction Same Day, Different Time. Nicole Wolverton About the Author Novels Short Fiction Contact Links Elsewhere 5 minutefiction Nicole Wolverton 5 minutefiction Same Day, Different Time. March 3, 2012 4 comments Cue the trumpets. 5 Minute Fiction now has a new time each Tuesday. There were 3 votes for keeping it during the day around lunchtime, 3 votes for 7p EST, 1 vote for 8p EST, and 3 votes for 9p EST, but 8 30p had the
Nicole wolverton official author site
minutefiction Nicole Wolverton 5 minutefiction Finalists Week 91 March 13, 2012 0 comments I hope all of you had the fantastic weather that we did hear in Philly today. Talk about the devastation of expectations. I 8217;ll be so sad when it goes back to normal March weather. But maybe it was the sunshine that inspired such great entries for this week 8217;s 5 Minute Fiction. This week 8217;s judge, Shelli Johnson, must have
Contact nicole wolverton
minutefiction Nicole Wolverton Contact Comments on this entry are closed. Nicole Wolverton is a freelance writer and novelist living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has written several novels, including adult thrillers and dark romantic comedies and young adult horror. Sign Up For Nicole Newsletter Enter your name and email address below, and get infrequent updates as well as badly.written limericks and stupid doodles. Hey, I
Contest. yay. leah petersen
2012-03-13 ⚑blog ⚑books
minutefiction , Random. 24 comments I just realized the other day how close to 100 followers we are. Wow. Whoda thunk. I think the best part of having 88 followers is how many 5 minutefiction ers it brings around every Tuesday. So let 8217;s get some more. What do you say. Generally that means a contest. Now, we 8217;re all bookish and writerly people around here, so the expected prize would be a book. But who wants to do what 8217;s
Corinne o flynn, writer
2012-03-14 ⚑books
minutefiction Tuesday, March 13, 2012 How Not to Write a Novel I m in the middle of HOW NOT TO WRITE A NOVEL by Howard Mittlemark and Sandra Newman and have been giggling on almost every page. This book is hilarious and so insightful when it comes to what not to do in your writing. It teaches by way of example and as the blurb from below illustrates, the examples are worth reading What do you think of my
2012-03-14 blog
minutefiction Same Day, Different Time. Nicole Wolverton About the Author Novels Short Fiction Contact Links Elsewhere 5 minutefiction Nicole Wolverton 5 minutefiction Same Day, Different Time. March 3, 2012 4 comments Cue the trumpets. 5 Minute Fiction now has a new time each Tuesday. There were 3 votes for keeping it during the day around lunchtime, 3 votes for 7p EST, 1 vote for 8p EST, and 3 votes for 9p EST, but 8 30p had the
Nicole wolverton official author site
minutefiction Nicole Wolverton 5 minutefiction Finalists Week 91 March 13, 2012 0 comments I hope all of you had the fantastic weather that we did hear in Philly today. Talk about the devastation of expectations. I 8217;ll be so sad when it goes back to normal March weather. But maybe it was the sunshine that inspired such great entries for this week 8217;s 5 Minute Fiction. This week 8217;s judge, Shelli Johnson, must have
Contact nicole wolverton
minutefiction Nicole Wolverton Contact Comments on this entry are closed. Nicole Wolverton is a freelance writer and novelist living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has written several novels, including adult thrillers and dark romantic comedies and young adult horror. Sign Up For Nicole Newsletter Enter your name and email address below, and get infrequent updates as well as badly.written limericks and stupid doodles. Hey, I
Contest. yay. leah petersen
2012-03-13 blog ⚑books
minutefiction , Random. 24 comments I just realized the other day how close to 100 followers we are. Wow. Whoda thunk. I think the best part of having 88 followers is how many 5 minutefiction ers it brings around every Tuesday. So let 8217;s get some more. What do you say. Generally that means a contest. Now, we 8217;re all bookish and writerly people around here, so the expected prize would be a book. But who wants to do what 8217;s
Contest. yay. leah petersen
2012-03-13 ⚑blog books
minutefiction , Random. 24 comments I just realized the other day how close to 100 followers we are. Wow. Whoda thunk. I think the best part of having 88 followers is how many 5 minutefiction ers it brings around every Tuesday. So let 8217;s get some more. What do you say. Generally that means a contest. Now, we 8217;re all bookish and writerly people around here, so the expected prize would be a book. But who wants to do what 8217;s
Corinne o flynn, writer
2012-03-14 books
minutefiction Tuesday, March 13, 2012 How Not to Write a Novel I m in the middle of HOW NOT TO WRITE A NOVEL by Howard Mittlemark and Sandra Newman and have been giggling on almost every page. This book is hilarious and so insightful when it comes to what not to do in your writing. It teaches by way of example and as the blurb from below illustrates, the examples are worth reading What do you think of my

'Minutefiction' white pages


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