
'Pdxfunc' web sites
B301 open source bridge the conference for open source citizens june 18.21 [..]
pdxfunc Hang out and talk about functional languages. BOF Igal Koshevoy, Dan Colish, David Lazar Open Source Bridge 2011 Display sessions.. Sessions for this room Tuesday, June 21. 10 00 AM Read the Docs A Completely Open Source Django Web Site Read the Docs is a documentation hosting site for the community. It was built in 48 hours in the 2010 Django Dash. In January 2010 it had 100,000 page views, and increases daily. I will
2012-02-06 ⚑blog ⚑finance ⚑tech
pdxfunc pdxhackathon pdxjs pdxpug pdxruby perl php pjug plug portland postgres postgresql pr programming puppet python rails ruby sao scrum seo training sepoconi shenanigans silverlight small business social social media software software development software freedom southeast sql startup startups sun sustainability tech talk technology training unconference user group web whiffies wordpress workshop writing xp yoga What
2012-02-06 blog ⚑finance ⚑tech
pdxfunc pdxhackathon pdxjs pdxpug pdxruby perl php pjug plug portland postgres postgresql pr programming puppet python rails ruby sao scrum seo training sepoconi shenanigans silverlight small business social social media software software development software freedom southeast sql startup startups sun sustainability tech talk technology training unconference user group web whiffies wordpress workshop writing xp yoga What
2012-02-06 ⚑blog finance ⚑tech
pdxfunc pdxhackathon pdxjs pdxpug pdxruby perl php pjug plug portland postgres postgresql pr programming puppet python rails ruby sao scrum seo training sepoconi shenanigans silverlight small business social social media software software development software freedom southeast sql startup startups sun sustainability tech talk technology training unconference user group web whiffies wordpress workshop writing xp yoga What

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