
'Schenkeveld' web sites
Freebsd, bsd, web servers bsd magazine
schenkeveld More Software Press Sp. z o.o. Sp ka Komandytowa 02.682 Warszawa, ul. Bokserska 1, NIP 9512279582, REGON 141804060, KRS 0000327578 1996. 2009 Software. Created by Javatech. Platform
2012-09-10 ⚑r&d ⚑tech
schenkeveld BSD Europe Manuel Wiesinger Wiener BSD Stammtisch Schedule The format is technically a mixture of a cross.project developer summit and a workshop. We have invited developers working with BSD from different organizations, we have some dinners together, and dedicate various sessions to each of the topics based on the interests of the attending developers. The format of these sessions is quite flexible they may include
schenkeveld BSD Europe Manuel Wiesinger Wiener BSD Stammtisch Schedule The format is technically a mixture of a cross.project developer summit and a workshop. We have invited developers working with BSD from different organizations, we have some dinners together, and dedicate various sessions to each of the topics based on the interests of the attending developers. The format of these sessions is quite flexible they may include
schenkeveld BSD Europe Manuel Wiesinger Wiener BSD Stammtisch Schedule The format is technically a mixture of a cross.project developer summit and a workshop. We have invited developers working with BSD from different organizations, we have some dinners together, and dedicate various sessions to each of the topics based on the interests of the attending developers. The format of these sessions is quite flexible they may include
Asiabsdcon 2013. timetable
2015-05-08 ⚑r&d
schenkeveld Meeting M1 FreeBSD Developer Summit invited only. 13 30. 16 30 Tutorial T2 Nobody Ever Regretted Making a Backup Dan Langille. 17 00. 19 00 Tutorial T3 Kerberos Authentication Basics in Japanese Hiroki Sato. Day 2 March 15, 2013. Tutorials and Small Meetings II Please note that Day 2 is for tutorials and meetings only. No exhibition and no paper session for unregistered attendees to them. Room ARoom BRoom C 09 30. 12

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