
'Sinkholed' web sites

Crowdstrike p2p botnet kelihos.b with 100.000 nodes sinkholed
sinkholed Wednesday, March 28, 2012 P2P Botnet Kelihos.B with 100.000 Nodes sinkholed This past Wednesday, CrowdStrike has teamed up with security experts from Dell SecureWorks, the Honeynet Project and Kaspersky to take out a botnet which we believe is the newest offspring of a family that has been around since 2007 Kelihos.B, a successor of Kelihos, Waledac and the Storm Worm. Traditionally, the botnets in this
sinkholed bots. CrowdStrike researchers continue to monitor the comand.and.control infrastructure, which is partially live again after having been down for some days, and confirmed that the servers do not speak the Kelihos.B protocol anymore. We are aware of a new version of the bot, Kelihos.C, that has been released shortly after we started the sinkholing operation, and which is spreading via social networks. This new version
Eric romang blog various
2014-11-14 ⚑blog ⚑tech ⚑health
sinkholed to Shadowserver. The backdoor was composed of clear text reverse shell perl scripts, executed a regular interval, and by a forked version of OpenSSH named 8220;cupsd 8220;. A RSA key was embedded in the forked OpenSSH, reported domain name of C C was 8220; 8221; and reported file names were cupsd Mach.O binary F.Secure also
sinkholed bots. CrowdStrike researchers continue to monitor the comand.and.control infrastructure, which is partially live again after having been down for some days, and confirmed that the servers do not speak the Kelihos.B protocol anymore. We are aware of a new version of the bot, Kelihos.C, that has been released shortly after we started the sinkholing operation, and which is spreading via social networks. This new version
Eric romang blog various
2014-11-14 blog ⚑tech ⚑health
sinkholed to Shadowserver. The backdoor was composed of clear text reverse shell perl scripts, executed a regular interval, and by a forked version of OpenSSH named 8220;cupsd 8220;. A RSA key was embedded in the forked OpenSSH, reported domain name of C C was 8220; 8221; and reported file names were cupsd Mach.O binary F.Secure also

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