
'Superfluid' web sites
Low temperature physics
superfluid liquid pocket in aerogel and its solidification by cooling http 10.1063 1.4821077 Formation of superfluid liquid pockets of 4He surrounded by 4He crystals were observed in an aerogel of 96 porosity. The liquid pockets did not crystallize by application of pressure but crystallized via avalanche by cooling below a particular temperature. The crystallization by cooling was also observed when crystals occupied a
Saad a khairallah biography
2015-08-13 ⚑r&d
superfluid properties. My graduate work explained the behavior of helium and the occurrence of magic numbers in small superfluid hydrogen clusters. As a postdoc at UC Berkeley, I presented work in favor of the helium rain hypothesis inside Jovian planets. During my second postdoc experience at LLNL, I co.developed a path integral Monte Carlo code that calculates the hydrogen Hugoniot that agrees with an existing
Aaas. newcomb cleveland prize
superfluid .to.Mott Insulator Transition at the Single.Atom Level, 8221; published in Science 30 July 2010, pp. 547.550. This paper reports a technical and scientific innovation in the use of ultracold atomic gases to investigate important quantum phase transitions, such as the ones that produce superfluid ity. The authors demonstrate the ability to monitor atoms trapped in an optical lattice at the level and reveal the all cavendish laboratory seminars
2013-03-20 ⚑r&d
superfluid could it be the Higgs particle. Prof. Lode Pollet, LMU M nchen. TCM Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory. Thursday 09 May 2013, 14 15.15 15 Surfaces, Microstructure and Fracture Group Title to be confirmed Robert Smith, AMOP Group, Cavendish Laboratory. Mott Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory. Thursday 09 May 2013, 16 00.17 00 Cavendish HEP Seminars Status of Flavour physics in 2013 Alexander Lenz IPPP Durham. Rutherford
Herschel to finish observing soon
superfluid liquid helium, inside a giant thermos flask known as a cryostat. The superfluid helium evaporates over time, gradually emptying the tank and determining Herschel scientific life. At launch, the cryostat was filled to the brim with over 2300 litres of liquid helium, weighing 335 kg, for 3.5 years of operations in space. Indeed, Herschel has made extraordinary discoveries across a wide range of topics, from starburst
Main no carrier
superfluid interactive table Rainbow Domes Byte Sculpture Random Access PECO Plasma Interactive Mandala Face Synthesis Detection EAT SHIT glitchNES NES SOFTWARE NESFlix logoNES VegaPlay scrollNES Teletime Lickshot galleryNES Vegavox II glitchNES Pulsewave ROM Color Caves Vegavox Copyright Don Miller 2010 Main NESFlix is a new movie player for your Nintendo NES, intended for VJ use. Find it under NES SOFTWARE on the left.
Department of physics and astronomy, stony brook university
2013-03-16 ⚑r&d
superfluid neutrons 2012.02.22 Special Events Random Tilings Workshop, February 18. 22, 2013 Simons Center Workhsop on Random Tilings. This workshop is a part of the Spring 2013 program Conformal Geometry. Facets of Integrability Workshop, January 21. 27, 2013. Simons Center Workhsop on Random Patterns, Stochastic Processes, Hydrodynamics, Gauge Theories and Condensed Matter Systems Dedication of the Umbilic Torus on Thursday,
Umass amherst physics department
2016-01-08 ⚑r&d ⚑news
superfluid ity A new book by Professors Boris Svistunov, Nikolay Prokof ev and Egor Babaev, superfluid States of Matter, presents a modern view of superconductivity and superfluid ity. An accompanying review by Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek states that it emphasises deep unifying concepts of symmetry and topology while maintaining firm connection to concrete physical realities. Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Ketterle says of the book that
Physical review letters
2013-03-13 ⚑r&d ⚑tech
superfluid in a Two.Dimensional Fermi gas with Anisotropic Spin.Orbit Coupling and Zeeman fields Fan Wu, Guang.Can Guo, Wei Zhang, and Wei Yi We study the phase diagram of a two.dimensional ultracold Fermi gas with the synthetic spin.orbit coupling SOC that has recently been realized at the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST. Because of the coexistence of anisotropic SOC and effective Zeeman fields in the NIST
Physical review a
superfluid of polaron pairs in Bose.Fermi mixtures in optical lattices Ippei Danshita and L. Mathey We study the quantum phases of one.dimensional Bose.Fermi mixtures in optical lattices. Assuming repulsive interparticle interactions, equal mass, and unit total filling, we calculate the ground.state phase diagram by means of both the Tomonaga.Luttinger liquid theory and time.evolving block decimat.. Phys. Rev. A 87, 021603 2013
The hindu open source new boundaries
superfluid helium.3 Front Page. National. Southern States. Other States. International. Opinion. Business. Sport. Science Tech. Entertainment. Miscellaneous. Features. Classifieds. Employment. Index. Home Copyrights 2001 The Hindu Republication or redissemination of the contents of this screen are expressly prohibited without the written consent of The
Umass amherst physics department
2016-01-08 ⚑r&d news
superfluid ity A new book by Professors Boris Svistunov, Nikolay Prokof ev and Egor Babaev, superfluid States of Matter, presents a modern view of superconductivity and superfluid ity. An accompanying review by Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek states that it emphasises deep unifying concepts of symmetry and topology while maintaining firm connection to concrete physical realities. Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Ketterle says of the book that

'Superfluid' white pages


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