
'Supervisord' web sites mailing lists
supervisord .org Mailing Lists lists. supervisord .org Mailing Lists Welcome.Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on lists. supervisord .org. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a and the list name appended. List
Supervisor a process control system mdash; supervisor v3.0a10 documentation [..]
supervisord Running supervisorctl Signals Runtime Security Configuration File unix http server Section Settings inet http server Section Settings supervisord Section Settings supervisorctl Section Settings program x Section Settings include Section Settings group x Section Settings fcgi.program x Section Settings eventlistener x Section Settings rpcinterface x Section Settings Subprocesses Nondaemonizing of Subprocesses pidproxy
Supervisor.users info page
supervisord .org. You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing subscription, in the sections below. Subscribing to Supervisor.users Subscribe to Supervisor.users by filling out the following form. You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a private list, which means that the list of members is not available to non.members. Your email address Your name
Supervisor a process control system mdash; supervisor 3.0a12 documentation [..]
supervisord Running supervisorctl Signals Runtime Security Configuration File unix http server Section Settings inet http server Section Settings supervisord Section Settings supervisorctl Section Settings program x Section Settings include Section Settings group x Section Settings fcgi.program x Section Settings eventlistener x Section Settings rpcinterface x Section Settings Subprocesses Nondaemonizing of Subprocesses pidproxy
Plope. meld3
supervisord .org meld3 See Also Zope 3 meld3 bindings z3meld Overview meld3 is an HTML XML templating system for Python 2.3 which keeps template markup and dynamic rendering logic separate from one another. See http PyMeld for a treatise on the benefits of this pattern. meld3 can deal with HTML or XML XHTML input and can output well.formed HTML or XML XHTML. meld3 is a variation of Paul Winkler Meld2, which is
Dotcloud try all the paases. chris heisel
2016-04-21 ⚑blog
supervisord config file. The one I used for twitter.dedupe was pretty simple. You deploy your code using aDotCloud 8217;s command line tool dotcloud push DotCloud has git and hg integrations but I couldn 8217;t tell from the documentation if I could select which branch gets pushed to DotCloud each time I invoke dotcloud push. 3. Access the logs During development and for live troubleshooting there 8217;s a handy command to tail
Chris heisel. my thoughts. mostly about python, agility and management
supervisord config file. The one I used for twitter.dedupe was pretty simple. You deploy your code using aDotCloud 8217;s command line tool dotcloud push DotCloud has git and hg integrations but I couldn 8217;t tell from the documentation if I could select which branch gets pushed to DotCloud each time I invoke dotcloud push. 3. Access the logs During development and for live troubleshooting there 8217;s a handy command to tail
G.loaded journal
2012-02-12 ⚑tech ⚑shop ⚑blog
supervisord in a CentOS 5.6 box. Unfortunately, no RPM package exists for the latest 3.X version, so I decided to go through the procedure to rebuild the supervisor RPM from the Fedora development tree, since v3.X has some really cool features I cannot do without. read more 8230; ntfs.3g and ntfsprogs projects merge Published on April 15th, 2011 by George Notaras. Comments 0 The fact that the developers of two projects with common
Chris heisel. my thoughts. mostly about python, agility and management
2014-11-10 ⚑blog
supervisord config file. The one I used for twitter.dedupe was pretty simple. You deploy your code using aDotCloud 8217;s command line tool dotcloud push DotCloud has git and hg integrations but I couldn 8217;t tell from the documentation if I could select which branch gets pushed to DotCloud each time I invoke dotcloud push. 3. Access the logs During development and for live troubleshooting there 8217;s a handy command to tail
Ask the pony. blog about scalable django apps, improve django performance [..]
2012-04-20 ⚑blog ⚑tech ⚑video
supervisord , PostgreSQL. Deployment with complete versioning and quick rollback to any of the previous versions. Different settings for different server groups with setup, pre. and post deployment scripts. Read More 3 Comments Getting Django on Heroku prancing 8 times faster. Posted by tkopczuk on July 18, 2011 Deploying Django and gunicorn with multiple workers on a single free Heroku node. Combined with an external PostgreSQL
Damnhandy. adventures in enterprise computing
2016-01-22 ⚑enterprise
supervisord . The first big challenge was figuring out how to get XVFB running in Docker. Thankfully, Linuxmeerkat has an excellent post on running a GUI application in a Docker container, which was incredibly helpful in setting this up. One thing that was interesting was that it seems like Chrome has changed quite a bit as there was no need to run the container in privilaged mode. From there, the rest of the set was pretty
Patrick playground may 2011 archives
supervisord enable update.rc.d warning supervisord start runlevel arguments none do not match LSB Default.Start values 2 3 4 5 update.rc.d warning supervisord stop runlevel arguments none do not match LSB Default.Stop values S 0 1 6 System start stop links for etc init.d supervisord do not exist. I guess that is an indirect way of saying no. Why does it warn me, and why didn t it tell me properly that it couldn t do what I asked
Zopeskel 3.0b3 python package index
2012-09-10 ⚑enterprise
supervisord configuration. wichert Rename the instance part to instance1 and add an instances group. This makes it possible to upgrade to multiple instances later on without having to break invocations. wichert 2.4. July 9, 2008 Restore the cwd after running buildout in the hosting recipe so further processing works correctly. wichert Add a hook in the hosting template to not show the summary. This can be used by derived templates
The blaggin wraith
supervisord . The big win with forever over those others is that it has both a command line interface as well as the ability to use it as a library. This lets admin.js no longer have to shell out to fabric which shelled out to tmux you can see why I replaced it. The types of messages that the bot emits is still more limited than I d like, but I can add to the API without making backwards incompatible changes. Also the bot is still
Dotcloud try all the paases. chris heisel
2016-04-21 blog
supervisord config file. The one I used for twitter.dedupe was pretty simple. You deploy your code using aDotCloud 8217;s command line tool dotcloud push DotCloud has git and hg integrations but I couldn 8217;t tell from the documentation if I could select which branch gets pushed to DotCloud each time I invoke dotcloud push. 3. Access the logs During development and for live troubleshooting there 8217;s a handy command to tail
Chris heisel. my thoughts. mostly about python, agility and management
supervisord config file. The one I used for twitter.dedupe was pretty simple. You deploy your code using aDotCloud 8217;s command line tool dotcloud push DotCloud has git and hg integrations but I couldn 8217;t tell from the documentation if I could select which branch gets pushed to DotCloud each time I invoke dotcloud push. 3. Access the logs During development and for live troubleshooting there 8217;s a handy command to tail
G.loaded journal
2012-02-12 ⚑tech ⚑shop blog
supervisord in a CentOS 5.6 box. Unfortunately, no RPM package exists for the latest 3.X version, so I decided to go through the procedure to rebuild the supervisor RPM from the Fedora development tree, since v3.X has some really cool features I cannot do without. read more 8230; ntfs.3g and ntfsprogs projects merge Published on April 15th, 2011 by George Notaras. Comments 0 The fact that the developers of two projects with common
Chris heisel. my thoughts. mostly about python, agility and management
2014-11-10 blog
supervisord config file. The one I used for twitter.dedupe was pretty simple. You deploy your code using aDotCloud 8217;s command line tool dotcloud push DotCloud has git and hg integrations but I couldn 8217;t tell from the documentation if I could select which branch gets pushed to DotCloud each time I invoke dotcloud push. 3. Access the logs During development and for live troubleshooting there 8217;s a handy command to tail
Ask the pony. blog about scalable django apps, improve django performance [..]
2012-04-20 blog ⚑tech ⚑video
supervisord , PostgreSQL. Deployment with complete versioning and quick rollback to any of the previous versions. Different settings for different server groups with setup, pre. and post deployment scripts. Read More 3 Comments Getting Django on Heroku prancing 8 times faster. Posted by tkopczuk on July 18, 2011 Deploying Django and gunicorn with multiple workers on a single free Heroku node. Combined with an external PostgreSQL
G.loaded journal
2012-02-12 ⚑tech shop ⚑blog
supervisord in a CentOS 5.6 box. Unfortunately, no RPM package exists for the latest 3.X version, so I decided to go through the procedure to rebuild the supervisor RPM from the Fedora development tree, since v3.X has some really cool features I cannot do without. read more 8230; ntfs.3g and ntfsprogs projects merge Published on April 15th, 2011 by George Notaras. Comments 0 The fact that the developers of two projects with common
Ask the pony. blog about scalable django apps, improve django performance [..]
2012-04-20 ⚑blog ⚑tech video
supervisord , PostgreSQL. Deployment with complete versioning and quick rollback to any of the previous versions. Different settings for different server groups with setup, pre. and post deployment scripts. Read More 3 Comments Getting Django on Heroku prancing 8 times faster. Posted by tkopczuk on July 18, 2011 Deploying Django and gunicorn with multiple workers on a single free Heroku node. Combined with an external PostgreSQL
Damnhandy. adventures in enterprise computing
2016-01-22 enterprise
supervisord . The first big challenge was figuring out how to get XVFB running in Docker. Thankfully, Linuxmeerkat has an excellent post on running a GUI application in a Docker container, which was incredibly helpful in setting this up. One thing that was interesting was that it seems like Chrome has changed quite a bit as there was no need to run the container in privilaged mode. From there, the rest of the set was pretty
Zopeskel 3.0b3 python package index
2012-09-10 enterprise
supervisord configuration. wichert Rename the instance part to instance1 and add an instances group. This makes it possible to upgrade to multiple instances later on without having to break invocations. wichert 2.4. July 9, 2008 Restore the cwd after running buildout in the hosting recipe so further processing works correctly. wichert Add a hook in the hosting template to not show the summary. This can be used by derived templates

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