
'Textbased' web sites

Starheaven. pygame. python game development
2012-03-22 ⚑games
textbased fiction tf animal transformation DescriptionStarheaven is a game with the following characteristics Fantasy.fiction. Means that the content inside the game is not actually real. Any resemblance to real people, places, religions, situations, pets, marriages, relationships, etc. is just a coincidence. Text.based. Means that, apart from the integrated images, it uses the most powerful graphics board ever invented. That
Starheaven. pygame. python game development
2012-03-22 games
textbased fiction tf animal transformation DescriptionStarheaven is a game with the following characteristics Fantasy.fiction. Means that the content inside the game is not actually real. Any resemblance to real people, places, religions, situations, pets, marriages, relationships, etc. is just a coincidence. Text.based. Means that, apart from the integrated images, it uses the most powerful graphics board ever invented. That

'Textbased' white pages

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