
'Tmpltr' web sites

tmpltr v0.5 is now available After some very helpful and specific feedback about the last version of tmpltr , I have added a few additions including faux clustering for the occasion when it is handy to know what on a given log line has not changed. There is a performance penalty for this extra processing, but not as much as I had orignally expected. The table below shows average performance metrics on a Linux VM running on an i7
tmpltr Templater is a small and fast log processor that provides simple artificial ignorance capabilities. You use the tool to process past log data and store templates that represent normal log line structures. You then run the tool against current or target logs and all normal patterns are automatically ignored. 2013.12.28 Passive Proxy Daemon Reads web traffic and generates squid proxy logs pproxyd This tool reads pcap format

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