
'Unittest' web sites
The comprehensive perl archive network.
2013-03-08 ⚑tech
unittest .TestSet.1.23 Zabbix.API.0.009 Glib.1.290 002 DBIx.Class.0.08209 CGI.Header.0.32 MooX.Types.SetObject.1.01 File.Cmp.1.03 more.. Getting Started Installing Perl Modules Learn Perl Perl Resources The Perl Programming language Perl Documentation Mailing Lists Perl FAQ Scripts Repository Yours Eclectically, The Self.Appointed Master Librarians OOK. of the CPAN. 1995.2010 Jarkko Hietaniemi. 2011.2013 All rights
Sandbox bcannon log
unittest .mock Fri, 13 Apr 2012 17 39 16 0100 Michael Foord Make unittest .mock.create autospec resilient against AttributeError on original object Fri, 13 Apr 2012 11 58 27.0400 Benjamin Peterson take linkage def outside of WITH THREAD conditional closes 14569 2.7 Fri, 13 Apr 2012 11 59 52.0400 Benjamin Peterson merge 3.2 Fri, 13 Apr 2012 11 58 27.0400 Benjamin Peterson take linkage def outside of WITH THREAD conditional closes
Zope.testing 4.5.0 python package index
unittest .TestCase classes so that they can be more easily found by test runners, like nose, that ignore test suites. Contents Getting started developing zope.testing Parsing HTML Forms Support for testing logging code Regular expression pattern normalizing output checker Stack.based test setUp and tearDown Temporary Test Directory Context.manager support globs TestCase Wait until a condition holds or until a time out Customization
unittest TestSuite from a module if it has docstrings, but it will not necessarily create a test for each docstring. You can see this by running code like the following on a target module that contains an empty docstring suite doctest.DocTestSuite doctest target print repr suite print suite.countTestCases which outputs. unittest .suite.TestSuite tests 0 So while tests in the doctest code evaluates to True because it is a TestSuite
Chrome index of trunk src net spdy
unittest .cc 146367 4 months toyoshim SPDY SESSION RECV DATA doesn t indicate the DATA FLAG FIN We could not privide.. buffered spdy framer spdy3 unittest .cc 146367 4 months toyoshim SPDY SESSION RECV DATA doesn t indicate the DATA FLAG FIN We could not privide.. spdy bitmasks.h 146163 4 months ajwong Remove the rest of pragma once in one big CL. For context see this thread h.. spdy credential
Chrome index of trunk src content browser speech
unittest .cc 111803 2 months jam Move SpeechInputResult into content public since it used in chrome. Also make.. speech 120330 7 days henrika Removes the AudioInputControllerThread from AudioInputController. Now runs on th.. speech recognizer.h 120330 7 days henrika Removes the AudioInputControllerThread from AudioInputController. Now runs on th.. speech recognizer unittest .cc
Chrome index of trunk src chrome frame
unittest 90597 16 months ananta Enable crash reporting for chrome frame unit tests. This ensures that crashes ar.. chrome frame version.rc.version 162494 4 weeks grt Generate version resources for Chrome Frame using the same machinery as Chrome i.. chrome 129384 7 months tommi Adding policy support to Chrome Frame launcher so that additional parameters c.. chrome
Testing django applications. django documentation. django
2012-11-26 ⚑tech
unittest .TestCase or Django 8217;s customized TestCase. For example import unittest class MyFuncTestCase unittest .TestCase def testBasic self a 39;larry 39;, 39;curly 39;, 39;moe 39; self.assertEqual my func a, 0 , 39;larry 39; self.assertEqual my func a, 1 , 39;curly 39; Doctests. tests that are embedded in your functions docstrings and are written in a way that emulates a session of the Python interactive interpreter. For
Mock. mocking and testing library mdash; mock 1.0.1 documentation
2012-11-16 ⚑books
unittest .mock in Python 3.3 onwards. mock provides a core Mock class removing the need to create a host of stubs throughout your test suite. After performing an action, you can make assertions about which methods attributes were used and arguments they were called with. You can also specify return values and set needed attributes in the normal way. Additionally, mock provides a patch decorator that handles patching module and
Python 3 wall of superpowers
unittest 2 py3k 808897 PyYAML 802823 setuptools.git 791220 meld3 785932 amqplib 757710 Beaker 750833 docutils 732769 gevent 729746 SQLObject 725077 redis 709675 ipython 696543 termcolor 684580 eggtestinfo 680843 logilab.common 673192 versiontools 654967 tiddlywebplugins.tiddlyspace 651210 logilab.astng 651184 BeautifulSoup py3k 641026 pylint 636076 Twisted 631399 supervisor 629249 sentry 621710 numpy 613687 ll.xist 612377 ssh
Porting to python 3 a guide. armin ronacher thoughts and writings
unittest s that are dealing with binary data in such objects, you will have to use the io.BytesIO instead. If it does not exist, you are running 2.x, and you can safely fall back to cStringIO.StringIO. Unit.Testing Now the biggest problem I had with switching to 3.x The unittest s. First of all do not use doctest. There is a doctest converter in 2to3, but it does not give you much. Error messages changed, reprs changed which it
Ned batchelder blog
2012-11-20 ⚑blog ⚑shop
unittest .TestCase class. unittest TestCases use setUp and tearDown to affect the test state, and I wanted a way to share setUp and tearDown implementations between two different test classes. A mixin seemed like a good solution. I already have a BaseTestCase of my own that inherits from unittest .TestCase, so my mixin looked like this class BaseTestCase unittest .TestCase def setUp self super BaseTestCase, self.setUp. set up that
Ned batchelder
unittest .TestCase class. 10 OctoberI ve been organizing the Boston Python user group for a few years now, and I like it a lot. Except for ordering pizza. more.More blog animation art autism blogs books business coverage crafts development friends family funny games google graphics history language math movies music online parenting photos politics python quick links science tools typography web windows work
unittest module. This is easy. If you can program, you can pick it up in about five minutes. Know kickstart well. The tests themselves are run through kickstart files, so you need to know how to express various partitioning setups. I can teach this. Be really picky. Know what anaconda expected behavior is. This is pretty tough, but I m willing to explain this as needed. Chris Previous message scp requires openssh.clients on server
Rake. ruby make
unittest .rb end This Rakefile has two tasks A task named test , which. upon invocation. will run a unit test file in Ruby. A task named default. This task does nothing by itself, but it has exactly one dependency, namely the test task. Invoking the default task will cause Rake to invoke the test task as well. Running the rake command without any options will cause it to run the default task in the Rakefile ls Rakefile test rake in
Zope.testing 4.5.0 python package index
unittest .TestCase classes so that they can be more easily found by test runners, like nose, that ignore test suites. Contents Getting started developing zope.testing Parsing HTML Forms Support for testing logging code Regular expression pattern normalizing output checker Stack.based test setUp and tearDown Temporary Test Directory Context.manager support globs TestCase Wait until a condition holds or until a time out Customization
Mock. mocking and testing library mdash; mock 1.0.1 documentation
2012-11-16 books
unittest .mock in Python 3.3 onwards. mock provides a core Mock class removing the need to create a host of stubs throughout your test suite. After performing an action, you can make assertions about which methods attributes were used and arguments they were called with. You can also specify return values and set needed attributes in the normal way. Additionally, mock provides a patch decorator that handles patching module and
Ned batchelder blog
2012-11-20 blog ⚑shop
unittest .TestCase class. unittest TestCases use setUp and tearDown to affect the test state, and I wanted a way to share setUp and tearDown implementations between two different test classes. A mixin seemed like a good solution. I already have a BaseTestCase of my own that inherits from unittest .TestCase, so my mixin looked like this class BaseTestCase unittest .TestCase def setUp self super BaseTestCase, self.setUp. set up that
Ned batchelder
unittest .TestCase class. 10 OctoberI ve been organizing the Boston Python user group for a few years now, and I like it a lot. Except for ordering pizza. more.More blog animation art autism blogs books business coverage crafts development friends family funny games google graphics history language math movies music online parenting photos politics python quick links science tools typography web windows work
Ned batchelder blog
2012-11-20 ⚑blog shop
unittest .TestCase class. unittest TestCases use setUp and tearDown to affect the test state, and I wanted a way to share setUp and tearDown implementations between two different test classes. A mixin seemed like a good solution. I already have a BaseTestCase of my own that inherits from unittest .TestCase, so my mixin looked like this class BaseTestCase unittest .TestCase def setUp self super BaseTestCase, self.setUp. set up that

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