
'Comicsml' web sites
comicsml Resource Page jmac comicsml Resource Page Here is my growing collection of stuff pertaining to comicsml , a proposed XML.based markup language for digital comics. In a nutshell, comicsml attempts to give online comics a way to describe their own content, and in so doing expand their visibility, flexibility, and accessibility in a number of ways. The current version of the comicsml standard is 0.2. Current status of all of
Jmac writings
comicsml , a proposed simple markup language for online comics, got a lot of attention when it was published in 2001. I maintain a website about comicsml , for what it worth, but the project isn t very active due to me being way too busy with another stuff, alas. I ve also a piece about secure mailreading with Mac OS X, and another on Mac OS X and IMAP. Random Essays and such My report of sf27, a local Sci Fi movie marathon. A updates
comicsml , I still sometimes receive emailed inquiries about it. I don t plan on ever updating that stuff, so in the interest of not delaying anyone else creative work, I ve put the whole enterprise under a Creative Commons license. Share and
Jmac writings
comicsml , a proposed simple markup language for online comics, got a lot of attention when it was published in 2001. I maintain a website about comicsml , for what it worth, but the project isn t very active due to me being way too busy with another stuff, alas. I ve also a piece about secure mailreading with Mac OS X, and another on Mac OS X and IMAP. Random Essays and such My report of sf27, a local Sci Fi movie marathon. A
Jmac writings
comicsml , a proposed simple markup language for online comics, got a lot of attention when it was published in 2001. I maintain a website about comicsml , for what it worth, but the project isn t very active due to me being way too busy with another stuff, alas. I ve also a piece about secure mailreading with Mac OS X, and another on Mac OS X and IMAP. Random Essays and such My report of sf27, a local Sci Fi movie marathon. A updates
comicsml , I still sometimes receive emailed inquiries about it. I don t plan on ever updating that stuff, so in the interest of not delaying anyone else creative work, I ve put the whole enterprise under a Creative Commons license. Share and
Jmac writings
comicsml , a proposed simple markup language for online comics, got a lot of attention when it was published in 2001. I maintain a website about comicsml , for what it worth, but the project isn t very active due to me being way too busy with another stuff, alas. I ve also a piece about secure mailreading with Mac OS X, and another on Mac OS X and IMAP. Random Essays and such My report of sf27, a local Sci Fi movie marathon. A updates
comicsml , I still sometimes receive emailed inquiries about it. I don t plan on ever updating that stuff, so in the interest of not delaying anyone else creative work, I ve put the whole enterprise under a Creative Commons license. Share and

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